
来源:xiaoniu168.com 作者:本站原创 添加时间:2011-10-27 点击数:24910



 “求是”印务中心业务管理系统,采用ASP.NET 技术作为创建应用程序的方式,以VB.net作为编程语言,采用SQL Server 数据库作为后台数据库。它是基于Browser/Server结构下形成的数据驱动的Web应用程序。

关键词:印务中心业务管理系统  ASP.NET  Browser/Server  SQL Server

"Asks is" printing the center business management system
This article in the analysis at present the printing shop service flowpresent situation and in the development foundation, has carried onthe comprehensive investigation and the analysis to the printing shopservice operation, mainly elaborated "asks is" printing the centerbusiness management system method of exploitation as well as therealization function.
"Asks is" printing the center business management system, uses theASP.NET technology to take the foundation application procedure theway, to VB.net took the programming language, uses SQL the Serverdatabase to take the backstage database. It is the data actuation Webapplication procedure which forms based on the Browser/Serverstructure under. This system basically followed the software engineering methodology tocarry on the demand analysis, the outline design, the detailed designand the software test.
Has realized the customer management, the printing liveware foundationinformation maintenance; The project making out bill or listmanagement, the design manufacture department management, the digitalprinting management and latter processes work flow the and so on themanagement management; material received sheet the management, material requisition the management, cuts documentary evidence information management as wellas the progress of work and so on paper written notice and settlementlist management traces with the revision password and so on otherfunctions. Thus causes the tedious flow information and the datamessage carries on systematized, the standardized management, savesthe time, the enhancement working efficiency!

Key words: Printing the center business management system  ASP.NET  Browser/Server  SQL Server

〖资料来源:计算机毕业论文 www.xiaoniu168.com



