
来源 作者:本站原创 添加时间:2011-11-22 点击数:29177


摘  要

随着信息科技在全社会的飞速发展与普及,网络技术的日渐成熟,利用INTERNET 技术来实现“无纸办公”这个概念已经深入人心。本系统—学生信息管理系统是针对现今学生人数较多,管理繁琐这一问题开发、研制出来的。
本系统基本遵循软件工程方法论进行系统分析、总体设计、详细设计和软件测试。采用ASP.NET 技术作为创建应用程序的方式,以C#作为编程语言,采用SQL Server 数据库作为后台数据库。它是基于Browser/Server结构下形成的数据驱动的Web应用程序。

关键词:ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server,学生信息管理系统


Along with the information science and technology in the entiresociety's rapid development and the popularization, the networktechnology was mature day after day, realized "the non- paper work"using the INTERNET technology this concept already to strike root inthe hearts of the people. This system - student information managementsystem is aims at the nowadays student population to be more, themanagement tedious this question development, develops.
This system basically follows the software engineering methodology tocarry on the system analysis, the system design, the detailed designand the software test. Uses the ASP.NET technology to take thefoundation application procedure the way, to C# took the programminglanguage, uses SQL the Server database to take the backstage database.It is the data actuation Web application procedure which forms basedon the Browser/Server structure under.
Implementation of the classes, courses, examinations, student achievement, the maintenance costs of information management and the passing rate of students test the quality of statistical information, results, the cost of enquiries, and the number of students here, charges statistical functions.

Key words: ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server, Student information management system




